ON1ON Infra

There are more to discover. We provide a ready-to-go-market package guiding you to transform into Web 3.0.

KYC/ KYT Application
Wallet Implementation
Cold Wallet HSM
Payments Integration
KYC / KYT Application
The rapid change of regulatory landscape and the potential setup costs may make enterprises worry to move forward.
*KYC is Know Your Customers, KYT is Know Your Transaction
With Us
  • Automate regulatory requirements
  • Reduce human errors in labor intensive processes
  • Cut down transaction and time costs for you
Wallet Implementation
Clients are working with us to transform their legacy membership point scheme to membership tokens and safely store in ON1ON wallet.
With Us
  • Advices on the reconcile strategy on transforming
  • Stores and exchanges membership points on blockchain with a ready-to-go wallet solutions
  • Makes the membership more extendable, transferrable and flexible to integrate with payment and upselling strategy
Cold Wallet HSM
Hot Wallet is never the safest.
Hackers breached into one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges' hot wallet and stole over 7,000 bitcoin, worth around US$41M in May 2019. With us, we are:
Institutional-grade Hardware Security Module (“HSM”, safe & secure cold wallet infrastructural solution)
Safeguarding issuers and licensed custodians their private keys in an offline environment.
Builds up with symmetric and asymmetric encryption standards deployed
Supports for multiple assets including cryptocurrencies, security tokens, DeFi tokens and NFTs
Payments Integration
Pricing products and NFTs in cryptocurrencies may discourage user to pay and discount the positive effect brought by blockchain technology.
With Us
  • Provide client-ready payment channel facilitates both crypto and fiat payments
  • Enable enterprise to price and customers to pay either way
  • Quick implementation and high efficiency which helps enterprises to go further on business expansion

Contact our Sales if you don't know where
to start or something in mind already

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